Broward County Commission Regular Meeting


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AI-28842 18.       
Meeting Date: 06/11/2019  
Director's Name: Kimm Campbell
Department: Human Services Division: Community Partnerships

Requested Action
A. MOTION TO ADOPT Resolution No. 2019-305  of the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County, Florida, authorizing appropriation and disbursement of Florida Department of Children and Families ("DCF") grant funds in the amount of $420,162 for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 to provide emergency shelter services, rapid re-housing, and supportive services to families and individuals experiencing homelessness, and administrative services; approving funding to specified service providers; approving a DCF Addendum to the Unit of Service Form Agreement; authorizing the Broward County Administrator ("County Administrator") to execute the applicable grant agreement with DCF and the agreements with the service providers; authorizing the County Administrator to take all necessary administrative and budgetary actions to implement the agreements; and providing for severability and an effective date.

(A member of the public pulled this item.)

ACTION:  (T-11:23 AM)  Approved.  (Refer to minutes for full discussion.)

VOTE: 9-0.  Vice-Mayor Holness voted in the affirmative telephonically.

B. MOTION TO ADOPT budget Resolution No. 2019-306 in the Unified Homelessness Grant Fund in the amount of $420,162 to provide emergency shelter services, rapid re-housing services, and supportive services to persons experiencing homelessness, in addition to administrative services under the DCF Emergency Solutions Grant ("ESG"), Challenge Grant ("CG"), and Staffing Grant ("SG") for July 1, 2019 to June 31, 2020.  
(A member of the public pulled this item.)

ACTION:  (T-11:23 AM)  Approved.  (Refer to minutes for full discussion.)

VOTE: 9-0.  Vice-Mayor Holness voted in the affirmative telephonically.

C. MOTION TO APPROVE waivers of conflict under Section 112.313(7)(a), Florida Statutes, for the following Broward County Homeless Continuum of Care advisory board members holding an employment or contractual relationship with an entity receiving funds for the performance of homeless services under this agenda item.
  1. Jennifer S. Bullock
  2. Thomas M. Campbell
  3. Frances M. Esposito
  4. Danny Osley
  5. Steve Werthman
(A member of the public pulled this item.)

ACTION:  (T-11:23 AM)  Approved.  (Refer to minutes for full discussion.)

VOTE: 9-0.  Vice-Mayor Holness voted in the affirmative telephonically.
Why Action is Necessary
A. Board of County Commissioners ("Commission") approval is required for appropriation and disbursement of grant funds for agreements with external agencies.

B. Section 129.06(2)(d), Florida Statutes, requires Commission approval to provide for revenue.

C. A waiver of conflict arising under Section 112.313(7)(a), Florida Statutes, requires two-thirds approval by the Commission.
What Action Accomplishes
Approval of Motions A and B provides funding to assist individuals and families experiencing homelessness, and provides administrative funding for coordinated planning purposes.

Approval of Motion C waives the existence of any conflicts arising under Section 112.313(7)(a), Florida Statutes, as authorized under applicable law.
Is this Action Goal Related
Previous Action Taken
Summary Explanation/Background

These actions support the Commission Value: “Approaching human services collaboratively and compassionately, with special emphasis on the most vulnerable” and the Commission Goal: “Collaborate with public and private partners to find creative, equitable, and responsible solutions to systemic community problems, especially permanent, supportive housing for persons experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness.” The grant funding will support the coordinated system of care and assist eligible families and individuals in accessing permanent housing interventions.

On January 28, 2019, DCF released the Request for Application for the Unified Homelessness Grant for the period of July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020. The Application included opportunities to apply for the CG, ESG, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (“TANF”) Homelessness Prevention Grant. Upon award, the agreement has the ability to be renewed for two option periods.

The DCF application required Broward County to release a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) to select competitive proposals for services. The RFP was released on February 18, 2019 and closed on March 20, 2019. Broward Partnership for the Homeless, Inc. (“BPHI”), HOPE South Florida (“HSF”), and Women in Distress (“WID”), were selected to be included in the County’s application to DCF for CG and ESG funding. Broward County did not receive applications for TANF funding, therefore we could not apply for the TANF grant. On April 29, 2019, DCF awarded the County $420,162 to be disbursed as follows: BPHI was awarded $119,000 of CG funds and $44,000 of ESG funds; HSF was awarded $120,000 of ESG funds, and WID was awarded $30,000 of ESG funds. The DCF award includes a direct appropriation of $107,143 for the purposes of staffing; the Homeless Initiative Partnership Section ("HIP") will retain the funds for administrative services to assist with planning and increasing the capacity of the Homeless Continuum of Care. The service providers for CG and ESG are required to provide a 100% match to the DCF funding (Exhibit 1, Attachment A). DCF requires deliverables to be tracked, monitored and reported, which will be conducted by HIP staff on a monthly basis.

The agreement will be in DCF's standard form and will be reviewed and approved as to legal sufficiency by the Office of the County Attorney prior to execution. Staff will utilize the applicable unit of service form agreement and addenda with the specified service providers (Exhibit 1, Attachment B). The agreements and addenda will be reviewed and approved as to legal sufficiency by the Office of the County Attorney prior to execution by the County Administrator.

Approval of this item would give rise to certain employment conflicts under Section 112.313(7)(a), Florida Statutes, which provides that "no public officer...shall have or hold any employment or contractual relationship with any business entity...which is doing business with an agency of which he or she is an officer or employee." In accordance with Section 112.313(7)(a), Florida Statutes, Commission approval is required to waive any conflict arising under Section 112.313(7)(a), Florida Statutes. An effective waiver requires two-thirds vote of the County Commission after full disclosure of the conflicting relationship (Motion C). Forms 4A, attached hereto as Exhibit 3, constitute full disclosure of any existing conflict.
Source of Additional Information
Darrell Cunningham, Director, Community Partnerships Division, (954) 357-6398
Rebecca McGuire, Administrator, Homeless Initiative Partnership Section, (954) 357-5686

Fiscal Impact
Fiscal Impact/Cost Summary:
The total DCF appropriation is $420,162, which includes $107,143 allocated to the County through the Shelter Grant (SG). The SG pays the salary and benefits for the Homeless Initiative Partnership Human Services Manager. The County is not required to provide a match for the SG. The County will not retain any funding for administrative costs from the Challenge Grant (CG) project (BPHI for $119,000) or the three ESG projects (BPHI for $44,019, WID for $30,000, and HOPE for $120,000). The identified providers will match the grants 100% with funding from other sources per the DCF guidelines.
Exhibit 1 - Resolution with Attachment A and B
Exhibit 2 - Budget Resolution
Exhibit 3 - Conflict Waiver Forms


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