Broward County Commission Regular Meeting


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AI-28055 7.       
Meeting Date: 02/26/2019  
Director's Name: Kimm Campbell
Department: Human Services Division: Community Partnerships

Requested Action
A. MOTION TO ADOPT Resolution No. 2019-071 of the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County, Florida, authorizing appropriation and disbursement of Ryan White Part A funds to service providers for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 in the estimated annual amount of $14,185,567; extending the term of certain previously approved agreements for one year; authorizing the County Administrator to execute the extension amendments, subject to approval of the same by the Office of the County Attorney; authorizing the County Administrator to take all necessary administrative and budgetary actions to implement the Agreements; and providing for severability and an effective date.

(Commissioner Ryan pulled this item.)

ACTION:  (T-11:28 AM)  Approved.  (Refer to minutes for full discussion.)

VOTE:  9-0.

B. MOTION TO APPROVE waivers of conflict under Section 112.313(7)(a), Florida Statutes for the following Broward County advisory board members holding an employment or contractual relationship with an entity receiving funds for the performance of services under this agenda item:
  1. Antevy, Peter
  2. Barnes, Bradley
  3. Blavo, Cyril
  4. Blount, Tiana
  5. Foster, Vince
  6. Grant, Claudette
  7. Hayes, Marie
  8. Jenkins, Ronenia
  9. Kiffin, Chauniqua
  10. Moragne, Timothy
  11. Moreno, Valery
  12. Mulligan, Deborah
  13. Quiles, Z. Vanessa
  14. Rodriguez, Joshua
  15. Schweizer, Mark
  16. Siclari, Rick
  17. Starnes, David
  18. Thaqi, Paula
(Commissioner Ryan pulled this item.)

ACTION:  (T-11:28 AM)  Approved.  (Refer to minutes for full discussion.)

VOTE:  9-0.
Why Action is Necessary
A. Broward County Administrative Code Section 23.7 requires Board approval for the appropriation and disbursement of funds to external agencies and Resolutions authorizing the County Administrator to execute the appropriate agreements and amendments.

B. A waiver of conflict arising under Section 112.313(7)(a), Florida Statutes, requires two-thirds approval by the Board in accordance with Section 112.313(12), Florida Statutes.
What Action Accomplishes
Adoption of Motion A authorizes distribution of funds to provide needed health care and related continuity of services to Broward County residents living with HIV/AIDS.

Approval of Motion B waives the existence of any conflict arising under Section 112.313(7)(a), as authorized under applicable law.
Is this Action Goal Related
Previous Action Taken
Summary Explanation/Background

These actions support the Board’s Value of “Approaching human services collaboratively and compassionately, with special emphasis on the most vulnerable,” as well as the Goals to “Deliver evidence-based services to the public, and connect customers and their family members, to sustainable support, with special emphasis on financial supports” and “Effectively advocate for and acquire municipal, state and federal financial support to equitably address health and human services needs of the entire community, through a truly coordinated system of care.” Funding will ensure continuity of services to County residents living with HIV/AIDS.

In calendar year 2017, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported more than 20,600 persons living with HIV infection and AIDS in Broward County. Broward County is second in the nation for new HIV infections, with racial/ethnic minorities disproportionately impacted by the epidemic.

Broward County received federal funds from the United States Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services' Administration (HRSA) since Fiscal Year 1991, as appropriated through the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension (RWTE) Act of 2009 (Exhibit 3). The Ryan White Part A federal grant period is from March 1st through February 28th of each year. The Ryan White Part A Program has historically received several partial Notices of Award from HRSA, and the Community Partnerships Division (CPD) typically receives the Final Notice of Award after the commencement of the program year. It is anticipated that during Fiscal Year 2019-2020 there will be a full allocation of funds. To ensure continuity of services to County residents living with HIV, the County recommends funding the organizations providing services (Exhibit 1, Attachments A and B), effective March 1, 2019 to February 29, 2020.

Board approval is requested for funding disbursement of renewal (R) contracts listed under Exhibit 1, Attachment A in the amount of $13,446,882 for one-year effective March 1, 2019. These health and support services were procured using an open, competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) process, resulting in agreements with community agencies. Approval is also requested for an additional one-year option period to previously-approved contracts listed under Exhibit 1, Attachment B in the amount of $738,685 for one-year effective March 1, 2019. Extensions are requested to align these services with the upcoming Ryan White Part A procurement, anticipated to be released in Fiscal Year 2020. The total amount of all renewed and extended Ryan White services is $14,185,567. All amendments will be reviewed and approved as to form by the Office of the County Attorney prior to execution. 
On September 13, 2018, (Item No. 6), the Board approved the Ryan White application to HRSA in the amount of $16,654,320. On January 28, 2019, the Ryan White Part A Program received its Notice of Award dated January 23, 2019 in the amount of $15,924,940 (Exhibit 2). This amount exceeds the renewal and extension amounts identified in Exhibit 1, Attachments A and B and previously approved by the Broward County HIV Health Services Planning Council (Council). The additional funds will be used to provide services based on needs and priorities that will be identified by the Council on February 28, 2019. The related agreements will be adjusted accordingly. Broward County has met all previous federally mandated Conditions of Award, including ensuring that unexpended grant funds are below 5% of the total grant award.

Approval of this item would give rise to certain employment conflicts under Section 112.313(7)(a), Florida Statutes, which provides that "no public officer ... shall have or hold any employment or contractual relationship with any business entity ... which ... is ... doing business with an agency of which he or she is an officer or employee." In accordance with Section 112.313(7)(a), Florida Statutes, Board approval is required to waive any conflict of interest arising under Section 112.313(7)(a), Florida Statutes. An effective waiver requires two-thirds vote of the County Commission after disclosure of the conflicting relationship (Motion B) in accordance with Section 112.313(12), Florida Statutes. Forms 4A, Disclosure of Business Transaction, Relationship or Interest, are attached hereto as Exhibit 4 and constitute full disclosure of any existing conflicts.
Source of Additional Information
Darrell Cunningham, Director, Community Partnerships Division, (954) 357-6398
Silvia Beebe, Assistant Director, Community Partnerships Division, (954) 357-6396
William E. Green, Human Services Administrator, Health Care Services Section, (954) 357-5398

Fiscal Impact
Fiscal Impact/Cost Summary:
The County's Ryan White Part A Program is 100% funded through federal dollars from HRSA. No County funds are required. Broward County retains 10% of awarded funds for administration. The program would be discontinued in the event that the grant funding is no longer available. 
Exhibit 1 - Ryan White Part A Funding Resolution and Attachments A and B
Exhibit 2 - HRSA Notice of Award
Exhibit 3 - Ryan White Part A History and Authority
Exhibit 4 - Conflict Waivers


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